ジョセフ・チェノットゥ大司教教皇大使あいさつ (2012・11・24)
横浜教区 梅村昌弘司教様 東京教会管区 岡田武夫大司教様 親愛なる兄弟(姉妹)である、司祭、修道者、信徒の皆様。1862年に横浜天主堂が献堂され、また同時に2世紀半にわたる禁教ののち日本宣教が再開されてから、ちょうど150年目を迎えることを記念するにあたり、ローマ教皇庁大使館より衷心よりお祝いとお慶びを申し上げます。
Yokohama Diocesan Jubilee
(Cathedral, 24 November 2012)
Archbishop Joseph Chennoth
Apostolic Nuncio
Your Excellency, Rt. Rev. Masahiro Umemura, Bishop of Yokohama,
Your Excellency, Most Rev. Peter Okada, Metropolitan Archbishop of Tokyo,
My Dear brother bishops, priests,Distinguished guest,Sisters and lay faithful,
I am very happy to offer from the Apostolic Nunciature hearty congratulations and prayerful
best wishes to all of you on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Sacred Heart Cathedral,
and of the reevangelization of Japan which began in 1862 after the sustention of Christianity for
two and a half centuries.
I am glad to point out that this event could not have taken place at a more opportune time. As
you know we are in the Year of Faith when we first of all thank God for this inestimable gift and
admire our pioneers in faith, St. Francis Xavier who landed in Kagoshima on August 15, 1549
and Bishop Theodore Forcade, the first Vicar Apostolic of Japan. Although he could not land in
Japan, his heart was in this noble Nation. He used to offer the Mass on the first day of each
month for the Church in Japan and for her future priests.
I understand that for your Jubilee year you have chosen the watchword: aiming at Church as
communion. I pray that in this Year of the Faith you may become more and more aware of your
role as today’s heralds of the Gospel and work in union with your Bishop and the apostolic
personnel for the new evangelization as well as evangelisation ad gentes.
Allow me to extend once again my sincere felicitations to Bishop Umemura and all his
collaborators, for organizing this memorable event and I invoke God’s abundant blessings upon
all the people of God in Yokohama Diocese, and also upon all the people in Japan.